
Base class for creating a wrapper around the torch.Tensor to represent boxes

A BoxTensor contains single tensor which represents single or multiple boxes.


Have to use composition instead of inheritance because currently it is not safe to interit from torch.Tensor because creating an instance of such a class will always make it a leaf node. This works for torch.nn.Parameter but won’t work for a general BoxTensor. This most likely will change in the future as pytorch starts offical support for inheriting from a Tensor. Give this point some thought when this happens.

Module Contents

class TFBoxTensor(data: Union[tensorflow.Tensor, Tuple[tensorflow.Tensor, tensorflow.Tensor]], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: object

Base class defining the interface for BoxTensor.

w2z_ratio :int = 2
reinit(self, data: Union[tensorflow.Tensor, Tuple[tensorflow.Tensor, tensorflow.Tensor]]) None



data – Tensor of shape (…, zZ, num_dims). Here, zZ=2, where the 0th dim is for bottom left corner and 1st dim is for top right corner of the box

Returns: None


ValueError – If new shape is different than old shape

property kwargs(self) Dict

Configuration attribute values



property args(self) Tuple
property z(self) tensorflow.Tensor

Lower left coordinate as Tensor


lower left corner

Return type


property Z(self) tensorflow.Tensor

Top right coordinate as Tensor


top right corner

Return type


property centre(self) tensorflow.Tensor

Centre coordinate as Tensor



Return type


classmethod check_if_valid_zZ(cls: Type[TFTBoxTensor], z: tensorflow.Tensor, Z: tensorflow.Tensor) None

Check of (z,Z) form a valid box.

If your child class parameterization bounds the boxes to some universe box then this is the right place to check that.

  • z – Lower left coordinate of shape (…, hidden_dims)

  • Z – Top right coordinate of shape (…, hidden_dims)

  • ValueError – If z and Z do not have the same shape

  • ValueError – If Z < z

classmethod W(cls: Type[TFTBoxTensor], z: tensorflow.Tensor, Z: tensorflow.Tensor, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) tensorflow.Tensor

Given (z,Z), it returns one set of valid box weights W, such that Box(W) = (z,Z).

For the base BoxTensor class, we just return z and Z stacked together. If you implement any new parameterization for boxes. You most likely need to override this method.

  • z – Lower left coordinate of shape (…, hidden_dims)

  • Z – Top right coordinate of shape (…, hidden_dims)

  • *args – TODO

  • **kwargs – TODO


Parameters of the box. In base class implementation, this

will have shape (…, 2, hidden_dims).

Return type


property box_shape(self) Tuple

Shape of z, Z and center.


Shape of z, Z and center.


This is not the shape of the data attribute.

broadcast(self, target_shape: Tuple) None

Broadcasts the internal data member in-place such that z and Z return tensors that can be automatically broadcasted to perform arithmetic operations with shape target_shape.


target_shape = (4,5,10)

  1. self.box_shape = (10,) => (1,1,10)

  2. self.box_shape = (3,) => ValueError

  3. self.box_shape = (4,10) => (4,1,10)

  4. self.box_shape = (4,2,10) => ValueError

  5. self.box_shape = (5,10) => (1,5,10)


This operation will not result in self.z, self.Z and returning tensor of shape target_shape but it will result in return a tensor which is arithmetic compatible with target_shape.


target_shape – Shape of the broadcast target. Usually will be the shape of the tensor you wish to use z, Z with. For instance, if you wish to add self box’s center [shape=(batch, hidden_dim)] with other box whose center’s shape is (batch, extra_dim, hidden_dim), then this function will reshape the data such that the resulting center has shape (batch, 1, hidden_dim).


ValueError – If bad target


Add an extra argument repeat which tell the function to repeat values till target is satisfied. This is needed for gumbel_intersection, where the broadcasted tensors need to be stacked.

classmethod zZ_to_embedding(cls, z: tensorflow.Tensor, Z: tensorflow.Tensor, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) tensorflow.Tensor
classmethod from_zZ(cls: Type[TFTBoxTensor], z: tensorflow.Tensor, Z: tensorflow.Tensor, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) TFTBoxTensor

Creates a box for the given min-max coordinates (z,Z).

In the this base implementation we do this by stacking z and Z along -2 dim to form W.

  • z – lower left

  • Z – top right

  • *args – extra arguments for child class

  • **kwargs – extra arguments for child class


A BoxTensor

like_this_from_zZ(self, z: tensorflow.Tensor, Z: tensorflow.Tensor) TFBoxTensor

Creates a box for the given min-max coordinates (z,Z). This is similar to the class method :method:`from_zZ`, but uses the attributes on self and not external args, kwargs.

For the base class, since we do not have extra attributes, we simply call from_zZ.

  • z – lower left

  • Z – top right


A BoxTensor

classmethod from_vector(cls, vector: tensorflow.Tensor, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) TFTBoxTensor

Creates a box for a vector. In this base implementation the vector is split into two pieces and these are used as z,Z.

  • vector – tensor

  • *args – extra arguments for child class

  • **kwargs – extra arguments for child class


A BoxTensor


ValueError – if last dimension is not even

box_reshape(self, target_shape: Tuple) TFBoxTensor

Reshape the z,Z and center.

  1. self.box_shape = (5,10), target_shape = (-1,10), creates box_shape (5,10)

2. self.box_shape = (5,4,10), target_shape = (-1,10), creates box_shape (20,10) 4. self.box_shape = (20,10), target_shape = (10,2,10), creates box_shape (10,2,10) 3. self.box_shape = (5,), target_shape = (-1,10), raises RuntimeError 5. self.box_shape = (5,10), target_shape = (2,10), raises RuntimeError


target_shape – TODO



  • RuntimeError – If space dimensions, ie. the last dimensions do not match.

  • RuntimeError – If cannot reshape the extra dimensions and torch.reshape raises.

class TFBoxFactory(name: str, kwargs_dict: Dict = None)

Bases: box_embeddings.common.registrable.Registrable

A factory class which will be subclassed(one for each box type).

box_registry :Dict[str, Tuple[Type[TFBoxTensor], Optional[str]]]
classmethod register_box_class(cls, name: str, constructor: str = None, exist_ok: bool = False) Callable[[Type[TFBoxTensor]], Type[TFBoxTensor]]

This is different from allennlp registrable because what this class registers is not subclasses but subclasses of BoxTensor

  • name – TODO

  • constructor – TODO

  • exist_ok – TODO

