- LISA has won the best paper award at EMNLP 2018!. Congrats Emma and Pat!
- Linguistically-Informed Self-Attention for Semantic Role Labeling (LISA) and Marginal Likelihood Training of BiLSTM-CRF for Biomedical Named Entity Recognition from Disjoint Label Sets are accepted to EMNLP 2018.
- Compact Representation of Uncertainty In Clustering has been accepted to NIPS 2018.
- Embedded-State Latent Conditional Random Fields for Sequence Labeling is accepted to CoNLL 2018.
- Andrew McCallum appointed as a distinguished professor. Congrats Andrew!
- Box embeddings and hierarchical losses and new resource for fine grained entity typing and linking is accepted to ACL 2018!
- 3 papers accepted to NAACL 2018! - Bio Medical Relation Extraction, Unsupervised Hypernymy Detection and training SPEN’s with indirect supervision.
- MINERVA is accepted to ICLR 2018.
- Andrew McCallum will be leading the Computable Knowledge project, a new partnership with Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.
- Andrew McCallum has been named as an 2017 ACM fellow. Congrats Andrew!
- Emma Strubell receives the IBM Ph.D. Fellowship award. Congrats Emma!
- MINERVA, a new way of reasoning on large knowledge bases using reinforcement learning has won the best paper award at AKBC at NIPS 2017.
- Active Bias: Training more accurate neural networks by emphasizing high variance samples has been accepted to NIPS 2017.
- Iterated Dilated Convolutions, a faster and better alternative to Bi-LSTMs for named entity recognition has been accepted to EMNLP 2017.
- PERCH, a new non-greedy algorithm for online hierarchical clustering that scales to both massive number of samples and number of clusters has accepted to KDD 2017.
- QA on Knowledge Bases and Text using Universal Schema and Memory Networks has been accepted to ACL 2017.
- Structured Prediction Energy Networks [Belanger, McCallum ICML 2016] are an alternative to graphical models, leveraging deep learning to discover rich dependencies among output variables.
- Our research on universal schema is currently at the top of the Stanford KBP leaderboard! Congratulations to Haw-Shiuan Chang, Pat Verga, Emma Strubell, Nick Monath, and the other IESL students who worked on this.
- Arvind Neelakantan receives the Google Ph.D. fellowship in Machine Learning.
- OpenReview.net is hosting reviewing for ICLR 2018. It has previously hosted ICLR 2017, UAI 2017.
- FACTORIE is a toolkit for deployable probabilistic modeling, implemented as a software library in Scala. It provides its users with a succinct language for creating relational factor graphs, estimating parameters and performing inference.